Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nov. 4th--David Boonin, "Harm-Based Solutions to the Non-Identity Problem"

Since last week was canceled, we will have David Boonin this week!
Our Philosophy Department Chair, David Boonin will speaking this week on "Harm-Based Solutions to the Non-Identity Problem."
6pm, Hellems 269.
Pic almost related

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 21st: Alex Wedemeyer, "Cosmology, Ontology, and the Nature of Belief"

Alex Wedemeyer will present on "Cosmology, Ontology, and the Nature of Belief" this Wednesday. Alex is a graduate student over in the English department, despite this, the talk will be philosophical. 6pm, Hellems 269, Free Pizza.
Pic unrelated.